Install CFWheels and get a local development server running
By far the quickest way to get started with CFWheels is via CommandBox. CommandBox brings a whole host of command line capabilities to the CFML developer. It allows you to write scripts that can be executed at the command line written entirely in CFML. It allows you to start a CFML server from any directory on your machine and wire up the code in that directory as the web root of the server. What's more is, those servers can be either Lucee servers or Adobe ColdFusion servers. You can even specify what version of each server to launch. Lastly, CommandBox is a package manager for CFML. That means you can take some CFML code and package it up into a module, host it on, and make it available to other CFML developers. In fact we make extensive use of these capabilities to distribute CFWheels plugins and templates. More on that later.
One module that we have created is a module that extends CommandBox itself with commands and features specific to the CFWheels framework. The CFWheels CLI module for CommandBox is modeled after the Ruby on Rails CLI module and gives similar capabilities to the CFWheels developer.
The first step is to get CommandBox downloaded and running. CommandBox is available for Windows, Mac & Linux, and can be installed manually or using one of the respective package managers for each OS. You can use Chocolatey on Windows, Homebrew on MacOS, or Yum/Apt on Linux depending on your flavor of Linux. Please follow the instructions on how to install CommandBox on your particular operating system. At the end of the installation process you want to make sure the box
command is part of your system path so you can call the command from any directory on your system.
Once installed, you can either double-click on the box
executable which opens the CommandBox shell window, or run box
from a CMD window in Windows, Terminal window in MacOS, or shell prompt on a Linux server. Sometimes you only want to call a single CommandBox command and don't need to launch a whole CommandBox shell window to do that, for these instances you can call the CommandBox command directly from your default system terminal window by prefixing the command with the box
So to run the CommandBox version
command you could run box version from the shell or you could launch the CommandBox shell and run version inside it.
box version
This is a good concept to grasp, cause depending on your workflow, you may find it easier to do one versus the other. Most of the commands you will see in these CLI guides will assume that you are entering the command in the actual CommandBox shell so the box
prefix is left off.
Okay, now that we have CommandBox installed, let's add the CFWheels CLI module.
install cfwheels-cli
Installing this module will add a number of commands to your default CommandBox installation. All of these commands are prefixed by the wheels
name space. There are commands to create a brand new CFWheels application or scaffold out sections of your application. We'll see some of these commands in action momentarily.
Now that we have CommandBox installed and extended it with the CFWheels CLI module, let's start our first CFWheels app from the command line. We'll look at the simplest method for creating a CFWheels app and starting our development server.
wheels generate app myApp server start
A few minutes after submitting the above commands a new browser window should open up and display the default CFWheels congratulations screen.
So what just happened? Since we only passed the application name myApp
to the wheels generate app
command, it used default values for most of its parameters and downloaded our Base template (cfwheels-base-template) from, then downloaded the framework core files (cfwheels) from and placed it in the wheels directory, then configured the application name and reload password, and started a Lucee server on a random port.
A Word About Command Aliases
CommandBox commands have the capability to be called by multiple names or aliases. The command above wheels generate app
can also be initiated by typing wheels g app
. In fact g
is an alias for generate
so wherever you see a command in the CLI documentation that has generate
in it you can substitute g
In addition to shortening generate
to g
, aliases can completely change the name space as well. A command that you haven't seen yet is the wheels generate app-wizard
command. This command guides the user through a series of menu options, building up all the parameters needed to customize the start of a new CFWheels project. You're likely to use the wizard when starting a new CFWheels application so it's good to become familiar with it.
This command has the normal alias referenced above at wheels g app-wizard
but it also has an additional alias at wheels new
which is the command more prevalent in the Rails community. So the three commands wheels generate app-wizard
, wheels g app-wizard
, and wheels new
all call the same functionality which guides the user though a set of menus, collecting details on how to configure the desired app. Once all the parameters have been gathered, this command actually calls the wheels generate app
command to create the actual CFWheels application.
This getting started guide has taken you from the very beginning and gotten you to the point where you can go into any empty directory on your local development machine and start a CFWheels project by issuing a couple of CLI commands. In later guides we'll explore these options further and see what else the CLI can do for us.
With CommandBox, we don't need to have Lucee or Adobe ColdFusion installed locally. With a simple command, we can make CommandBox go and get the CFML engine we've requested, and quickly create a server running on Undertow. Make sure you're in the root of your website, and then run:
server start
The server will then start on a random port on
and will create a server.json
file in your webroot. We can add various options to server.json
to customize our server. Here's an example:
In this example, I've set the server name to myApp
, meaning I can now start the server from any directory by simply calling start myApp
. I've also specified a specific port, 60000
, but you can specify any port you want, or just remove that to start on a random port each time. Lastly, I've enabled URL rewriting, and pointing the URL rewrite configuration file to the urlrewrite.xml
which is included in CFWheels 2.x. (If you've used the wheels new
command to create your app, this will already be done for you).
Obviously, anything you start, you might want to stop. Servers can be stopped either via right/ctrl clicking on the icon in the taskbar, or by the stop
command. To stop a server running in the current directory issue the following:
server stop
You can also stop a server from anywhere by using its name:
server stop myApp
If you want to see what server configurations exist on your system and their current status, simply do server list
server list
To remove a server configuration from the list, you can use server forget myapp
. Note the status of the servers on the list are somewhat unreliable, as it only remembers the last known state of the server: so if you start a server and then turn off your local machine, it may still remember it as running
when you turn your local machine back on, which is why we recommend the use of force: true
in the server.json
By default, CommandBox will run Lucee (version 5.x at time of writing). You may wish to specify an exact version of Lucee, or use Adobe ColdFusion. We can do this via either setting the appropriate cfengine
setting in server.json
, or at runtime with the cfengine=
Start the default engine
CommandBox> start
Start the latest stable Lucee 5.x engine
CommandBox> start cfengine=lucee@5
Start a specific engine and version
CommandBox> start cfengine=adobe@10.0.12
Start the most recent Adobe server that starts with version "11"
CommandBox> start cfengine=adobe@11
Start the most recent adobe engine that matches the range
CommandBox> start cfengine="adobe@>9.0 <=11"
Or via server.json
CFIDE / Lucee administrators
The default username and password for all administrators is admin
& commandbox
You can of course run multiple servers, so if you need to test your app on Lucee 4.x, Lucee 5.x and Adobe 2016, you can just start three servers with different cfengine=
Watch out
CommandBox 5.1 required to install dependencies easily
By default the Lucee server that CommandBox starts has all the basic Lucee extensions that you are going to need installed, but if need to minimize the size of the Lucee instance you launch, then you can use Lucee-Light by specifying cfengine=lucee-light
in your server.json
file. CFWheels can run just fine on lucee-light (which is after all, Lucee, minus all the extensions) but at a minimum, requires the following extensions to be installed as dependencies in your box.json
. Please note you may have to add any drivers you need for your database to this list as well.
Once added to your box.json file, while the server is running, just do box install
, which will install the dependencies, and load them into the running server within 60 seconds.
Alternatively you can download the extensions and add them manually to your server root's deploy folder (i.e \WEB-INF\lucee-server\deploy
In this tutorial, we'll be writing a simple application to make sure we have CFWheels installed properly and that everything is working as it should.
Okay, so you have CFWheels installed and can see the CFWheels "Congratulations!" page as shown below. That wasn't that hard now, was it?
Okay, let's get to some example code. We know that you've been dying to get your hands on some code!
To continue with Programming Tutorial Tradition, we'll create the ubiquitous Hello World! application. But to keep things interesting, let's add a little CFWheels magic along the way.
Let's create a controller from scratch to illustrate how easy it is to set up a controller and plug it into the CFWheels framework.
First, create a file called Say.cfc
in the controllers
directory and add the
code below to the file.
Congratulations, you just created your first CFWheels controller! What does this
controller do, you might ask? Well, to be honest, not much. It has no methods
defined, so it doesn't add any new functionality to our application. But because
it extends the base Controller
component, it inherits quite a bit of powerful
functionality and is now tied into our CFWheels application.
The error says "Could not find the view page for the 'index' action in the 'say'
controller." Where did "index" come from? The URL we typed in only specified a
controller name but no action. When an action is not specified in the URL,
CFWheels assumes that we want the default action. Out of the box, the default
action in CFWheels is set to index
. So in our example, CFWheels tried to find
the index
action within the say
controller, and it threw an error because it
couldn't find its view page.
But let's jump ahead. Now that we have the controller created, let's add an
action to it called hello
. Change your say
controller so it looks like the
code block below:
As you can see, we created an empty method named hello
Now let's call our new action in the browser and see what we get. To call the
action, we simply add /hello
to the end of the previous URL that we
used to call our say
Once again, we get a ColdFusion error. Although we have created the controller
and added the hello
action to it, we haven't created the view.
By default, when an action is called, CFWheels will look for a view file with
the same name as the action. It then hands off the processing to the view to
display the user interface. In our case, CFWheels tried to find a view file for
our say/hello
action and couldn't find one.
Let's remedy the situation and create a view file. View files are simple CFML pages that handle the output of our application. In most cases, views will return HTML code to the browser. By default, the view files will have the same name as our controller actions and will be grouped into a directory under the view directory. This new directory will have the same name as our controller.
Find the views
directory in the root of your CFWheels installation. There will
be a few directories in there already. For now, we need to create a new
directory in the views
directory called say
. This is the same name as the
controller that we created above.
Now inside the say
directory, create a file called hello.cfm
. In the
file, add the following line of code:
Save your hello.cfm
file, and let's call our say/hello
action once again.
You have your first working CFWheels page if your browser looks like Figure 3
You have just created your first functional CFWheels page, albeit it is a very simple one. Pat yourself on the back, go grab a snack, and when you're ready, let's go on and extend the functionality of our Hello World! application a little more.
We will add some simple dynamic content to our hello
action and add a second
action to the application. We'll then use some CFWheels code to tie the 2
actions together. Let's get get to it!
The first thing we are going to do is to add some dynamic content to our
action. Modify your say
controller so it looks like the code block
All we are doing here is creating a variable called time
and setting its value
to the current server time using the basic ColdFusion Now()
function. When we
do this, the variable becomes immediately available to our view code.
Why not just set up this value directly in the view? If you think about it, maybe the logic behind the value of time may eventually change. What if eventually we want to display its value based on the user's time zone? What if later we decide to pull it from a web service instead? Remember, the controller is supposed to coordinate all of the data and business logic, not the view.
Next, we will modify our say/hello.cfm
view file so that it looks like the
code block bellow. When we do this, the value will be displayed in the browser.
call your say/hello
action again in your browser. Your browser should look
like Figure 4 below.
This simple example showed that any dynamic content created in a controller
action is available to the corresponding view file. In our application, we
created a time
variable in the say/hello
controller action and display that
variable in our say/hello.cfm
view file.
Now we will expand the functionality of our application once again by adding a
second action to our say
controller. If you feel adventurous, go ahead and add
a goodbye
action to the say
controller on your own, then create a
view file that displays a "Goodbye" message to the user. If you're
not feeling that adventurous, we'll quickly go step by step.
First, modify the the say
controller file so that it looks like the code block
Now go to the views/say
directory and create a goodbye.cfm
Add the following code to the goodbye.cfm
page and save it.
If we did everything right, we should be able to call the new say/goodbye
action using the following URL:
Your browser should look like Figure 5 below:
Now let's link our two actions together. We will do this by adding a link to the bottom of each page so that it calls the other page.
Open the say/hello.cfm
view file. We are going to add a line of code to the
end of this file so our say/hello.cfm
view file looks like the code block
Once you have added the additional line of code to the end of the
view file, save your file and call the say/hello
action from
your browser. Your browser should look like Figure 6 below.
You can see that CFWheels created a link for us and added an appropriate URL for
the say/goodbye
action to the link.
Let's complete our little app and add a corresponding link to the bottom of our
view page.
Open your say/goodbye.cfm
view page and modify it so it looks like the code
block below.
CFML: views/say/goodbye.cfm
If you now call the say/goodbye
action in your browser, your browser should
look like Figure 7 below.
You now know enough to be dangerous with CFWheels. Look out! But there are many more powerful features to cover. You may have noticed that we haven't even talked about the M in MVC.
No worries. We will get there. And we think you will enjoy it.
You can also specify hosts other than localhost: there's a useful CommandBox module to do that () which will automatically create entries in your hosts file to allow for domains such as myapp.local
running on port 80. You can install it via install commandbox-hostupdater
when running the box shell with administrator privileges.
Let's make sure we're all on the same page. I'm going to assume that you've followed the guide and have CommandBox all setup. If you haven't done that, stop and read that guide get everything setup. It's okay, this web page will wait for you.
So what happens if we try to call our new controller right now? Lets take a
look. Open your browser and point your browser to the new controller. Because my
local server is installed on port 60000, my URL is
You may need to enter a different URL, depending on how your web server is
configured. In my case, I'm using .
The function is a built-in CFWheels function. In this case, we are passing 2 named parameters to it. The first parameter, text
, is the text
that will be displayed in the hyperlink. The second parameter, action
, defines the action to point the link to. By using this built-in function, your application's main URL may change, and even controllers and actions may get shifted around, but you won't suffer from the dreaded dead link. CFWheels will
always create a valid link for you as long as you configure it correctly when you make infrastructure changes to your application.