
Tutorials, demonstrations, and presentations about the ColdFusion on Wheels framework.

CFWheels 2.x

Create a basic CRUD interface in CFWheels 2.x

Create a basic JSON API in CFWheels 2.x

Routing in CFWheels 2.x - Part 1

Routing in CFWheels 2.x - Part 2

Introduction to Unit Testing in CFWheels 2.x

Unit Testing Controllers in CFWheels 2.x

CFWheels 1.x

View all screencasts on Vimeo

CRUD series

Episode 1: "C" Is for "Create" - Basic CRUD Learn about basic create operations when building standard CRUD functionality in CFWheels

Episode 2: "R"; Is for "Read" - Basic CRUD Learn about basic read operations when building standard CRUD functionality in CFWheels

Episode 3: "U" Is for "Update" - Basic CRUD Chris Peters demonstrates updating data in a simple CRUD CFWheels application

Episode 4: "D" Is for Delete - Basic CRUD Learn how simple it is to delete records in a basic CRUD application using CFWheels

"Building a Social Network"

Episode 1: Setting up ColdFusion on Wheels Chris Peters starts the webcast series by demonstrating how to set up ColdFusion on Wheels

Episode 2: Form Helpers Chris Peters demonstrates how to bind a Wheels model object to a form through the use of form helpers

Episode 3: Object Validation and Showing Errors

Chris Peters adds data validation to the user registration form

Episode 4: Redirects and the Flash Chris Peters finishes the "success" portion of the registration functionality by adding a success message to the Flash and redirecting the user to their home screen

Episode 5: Object Validation Chris Peters teaches you about more validation options and how you can add them to the registration form quickly and easily

Episode 6: Styling Forms Chris Peters stylizes form markup globally using a Wheels feature called global helpers

Episode 7: Authentication with Filters Learn how to set up simple user authentication on a website by using a Wheels feature called filters

Episode 8: Reading and Displaying a Single Record Learn the mechanics of reading a single record from the database and displaying its data in the view

Episode 9: Adding a Route for User Profiles Creating custom URL patterns is a breeze in ColdFusion on Wheels

Episode 10: Displaying Sets of Records Learn how to fetch multiple records from your model with findAll() and then display them to the user using ColdFusion on Wheels

Episode 11: Custom View Helpers Learn how to factor out logic in your view templates into custom helper functions in ColdFusion on Wheels

Episode 12: Joining Models with Associations Chris Peters demonstrates joining data together with model associations using ColdFusion on Wheels

Episode 13: Pagination All it takes to offer pagination is two extra arguments to findAll() and a call to a view helper called paginationLinks()

Episode 14: Responding with Multiple Formats Learn how to use the provides() and renderWith() functions to automatically serialize data into XML, JSON, and more


Hello World Peter Amiri walks you through setting up a "Hello World" application using the ColdFusion on Wheels framework

CFUnited 2010: Simplifying Database Code with the ColdFusion on Wheels ORM Chris Peters gives a high level overview of the ORM included with ColdFusion on Wheels

ColdRoute Plugin Chris Peters from Liquifusion demonstrates the ColdRoute plugin for CFWheels

Wirebox Plugin for CFWheels Doug Boude demonstrates using his new Wirebox plugin for CFWheels

DBMigrate Create Operations Chris Peters from Liquifusion demonstrates creating tables and records in the DBMigrate plugin for ColdFusion on Wheels

CF Meetup, March 10 2011 Online ColdFusion Meetup ( session for March 10 2011, "What's New in CFWheels 1.1", with Chris Peters:

CFWheels Textmate Bundle Demo A quick demo of the CFWheels Textmate bundle by Russ Johnson

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