
Verify the existence and type of variables before allowing for a given controller action to run.

Verification, through the verifies() function, is just a special type of filter that runs before actions. With verifications defined in your controller, you can eliminate the need for wrapping your entire actions in <cfif> blocks checking for the existence and types of variables. You also can limit your actions' scopes to specific request types like post, get, and AJAX requests.

Using verifies() to Enforce Request Types

Let's say that you want to make sure that all requests coming to a page that handles form submissions are postrequests. While you can do this with a filter and the isPost() function, it is more convenient and DRY to do it with the verifies() function.

All that you need to do is add this line to your controller's config() function:

// In the controller
function config(){
    verifies(only="create,update", post=true);

The code above will ensure that all requests coming to the create and update actions are from form submissions. All other requests will be aborted.

There are also boolean arguments for get and ajax request types.

Defining a Handler for Failed Verifications

You can also specify different behavior for when the verification fails in a special handler function registered with the handler argument.

In this example, we register the incorrectRequestType() function as the handler:

// In the controller
function config(){
function incorrectRequestType(){

Note that you have to either do a redirectTo() call or abort the request completely after you've done what you wanted to do inside your handler function. If you don't do anything at all and just let the function exit on its own, Wheels will redirect the user back to the page they came from. In other words, you cannot render any content from inside this function but you can let another function handle that part by redirecting to it.

Enforcing the Existence and Type of Variables

A very convenient and common use of verifies() is when you want to make sure that a variables exists and is of a certain type; otherwise, you would like for your controller to redirect the user to a different page.

Step back in time for a moment and remember how you used to code websites before Wheels. (Yes I know those were dark days, but stay with me.)

On your edit.cfm page, what you probably did was write some code at the top of that looked like this:

<cfif !StructKeyExists(form, "userId") OR !IsValid("guid", form.userId)>
    <cflocation url="index.cfm" addToken="false">

With this snippet of code, you could ensure that any request to the edit.cfm had to have the userId in the form scope and that userId had to be of type guid. If these conditions weren't met, the request was redirected to the index.cfm page. This was a very tedious but necessary task.

Now let's see how using the verifies() function within Wheels improves this:

// In the controller 
function config(){
        error="Invalid user ID."

With that one line of code, Wheels will perform the following checks when a request is made to the controller's editaction:

  • Make sure that the request is a post request.

  • Make sure that the userId variable exists in the params struct.

  • Make sure that the params.userId is of typeguid.

  • If any of those checks fail, redirect the request to the index action and place an error key in the Flash containing the message "Invalid user ID."

All that functionality in only one line of code!

What if you wanted do this for two or more variables? The params and paramsTypes each accept a list so you can include as many variables to check against as you want.

The only thing you need to make sure of is that the number of variables in the params list matches the number types to check against in the paramsTypes list. This also goes for the session/sessionTypes and cookie/cookieTypesarguments, which check for existence and type in the session and cookie scopes, respectively.

Controller Verification vs. Model Object Validation

verifies() exists solely to validate controller and environment level variables and is not a substitute for Object Validationin your model.

A basic example of this is to validate params passed through to your controller from routes. Suppose we have the following route in our application:


In this example, we will want to verify that the userId integer and address struct are both present in the paramsstruct and also that userId is of a certain type:


However, verifies() should not be used to make sure that values within the address struct themselves are valid (such as making sure that address.zipCode is correct). Because the address struct will be passed in to the model, the validation will be performed there.

Last updated