wheels - commands
These are the top level commands in the wheels
wheels info
wheels info
This command is the most basic of the commands and other than printing some pretty ASCII art it also displays the Current Working Directory, the CommandBox Module Root which can be handy when trying to diagnose version discrepancies, and lastly the CFWheels version currently installed. The version is determined from a variaty of sources. First and foremost, if there is a box.json
file in the wheels/
directory the version is extracted from that box.json
. Alternatively, if there is no box.json
file in the wheels/
directory, we look in wheels/events/onapplicationstart.cfm
and extract a version number from that file. That is the version number that is displayed on the default congratulations screen by the way. If both of these fail to get us a version number we can use, we ask you to let us know what version of wheels you are using and give you the option of generating a box.json
file. This is handy for bringing old legacy installations under CLI control.
wheels init
wheels init
This will attempt to bootstrap an EXISTING wheels app to work with the CLI.
We'll assume the database/datasource exists and the other config options like reloadpassword is all set up. If there's no box.json, create it, and ask for the version number if we can't determine it. If there's no server.json, create it, and ask for cfengine preferences. We'll ignore other templating objects for now, as this will probably be in place too.
wheels reload
wheels reload
This command will reload your CFWheels application. In order for this command to work, your local server needs to be started and running. This command basically issues a request to the running CFWheels application to reload as if you were doing it from your browsers address bar. You will be prompted for your reload password that will be passed to the reload endpoint.
possible values development, testing, maintenance, production
wheels test
wheels test
This command will call the Test Runner in a running server and return the results. The command can be run from within the directory of the running server or you can specify the server name to run against. Additionally you can specify the test suite to run, possible choices include the running application's test suite (app), the core framework test suite (core), or a particular plugin's test suite by passing in the plugin name.
Either Core, App, or the name of the plugin
Servername to run the tests against
Force Reload
Output passing tests as well as failing ones
Force a specific return format for debug
Attempt to override what dbadapter wheels uses
wheels scaffold
wheels scaffold
This command will completely scaffold a new object. Typically you would run this command to stub out all the CRUD related files and then follow it up with a series of wheels g property
commands to add the individual fields to the object. This command will:
Create a model file
A Default CRUD Controller complete with create/edit/update/delete code
View files for all those actions
Associated test stubs
DB migration file
This command can be run without the server running except the database migration portion because that requires a running database. So if your server is already up and running you can run this command completely including the database migration portion. Afterwards make sure to run wheels reload
to reload your application since we just made model changes. If the server isn't running, you can run this command and stub out all the files, then start your server with server start
and finally migrate the database with wheels db latest
Name of the object to scaffold out
wheels destroy
wheels destroy
This command will destroy a given object. This is highly destructive, given the name, so proceed with caution. If you created an object using the wheels scaffold [objectName]
command, this command is the inverse of that command and will remove all elements created by that command.
This command will destroy the following elements:
the models definition file
the controllers definition file
the view sub folder and all it's contents
the model test file
the controller test file
the views test file
resource route configuration
Name of the object to destroy
Last updated
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